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News December 10, 2024

Beyond Anthill: Yulian Prodanov

Meet Yulian Prodanov, a Full Stack Developer at Anthill who brings web applications to life while tackling exciting challenges like modernizing tools and optimizing systems. Passionate about Software Architecture, he aims to create impactful, enduring solutions. Learn more about his journey with us so far.

Describe your role at Anthill and what a typical day looks like for you. 

I am a full stack web developer, so my day may begin with a cup of coffee, or with a top priority production issue – no in-between. We don’t have many meetings, so I spend most of my day working on new features, discussing requirements, organizing work, or fixing issues. 

Describe your job in a way that a 3-year-old would understand it. 

I make websites like YouTube work. 

What was your motivation to join Anthill’s team? 

The product I am working on seemed interesting, the tech stack was modern and motivating, the team seemed professional, and the work culture felt right. 

How does Anthill encourage and support you to pursue your interests? 

Props to Anthill for providing and encouraging training. One of the main aspects of the work culture here is to ensure people are focused on their development, whether it’s technical skills, or soft skills. It’s often discussed what you want to do at work and what motivates you, and this can really help you find the right place for yourself. 

Can you share something you are currently working on that you find particularly exciting or challenging, and why? 

A tech debt issue – I am working on migrating our build tool from Webpack to Vite. The migration is challenging because we have a micro-frontend architecture with a lot of configurations and shared projects, so there’s a lot to consider. It’s particularly exciting because we will modernize the build tool of the whole frontend, thus improving the dev experience and optimizing the bundle size. 

What are your future goals & aspirations?  

I aspire to explore the depths of Software Architecture and System Design. I want to be a person who answers questions, rather than asking them. I want to design effective software that would be used by many active customers and last for many years.  

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?  

I enjoy exploring the world with friends and playing board/online games. After work, I need a solid gym workout to rest my mind. I often find myself reading technical articles and books. 

Interested to join our team? Check out our open positions here.